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About Us

We are a small company based in the small town of Bourne in Lincolnshire. Our Scarves are all made here by a team of  Peri, Post & Menopausal women, so each scarf is sent to you with our heartfelt best wishes that it helps you cope with your 'warming'.  All of our scarves and necklaces have been inspired by real women whose lifestyles, jobs or fashion sense have meant they all wanted something different. (If you're interested you can read their stories here )

The Story Behind the Original Meno Cool Scarf

Luckily I work from home so during the worst of my flushes I was able to strip off and stick my head in the fridge whenever I needed to. But I required a back up plan if we had visitors, or I was out and about, so I found a cooling scarf online designed for hikers and walkers. Whilst it wasn’t pretty it saved be from the embarrassment of overheating (and undressing!!) in public.
My friend Judy wasn’t so lucky, she’s the PA to the Managing Director of a large company and was really struggling to control her flushes at work. Surprisingly the winter was worse for her because the building where she works has one temperature and is always overheated.
I offered to find some pretty fabric and make her a few scarves like mine but suitable for wearing in the office. I reduced the size and number of crystals, because she wanted her scarf to sit comfortably on the neckline of a top and inside her blouse collars. (The hiker scarf I had was geared more for men with thick necks and when soaked swelled up like a huge sausage!)

And so the Original Meno Cool Scarf was born!!!

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